My blog posts

Occasionally, I write posts about something what I think is unique and useful. Mostly about software development and things that I couldn’t find in the internet.

  • 🔌 Spring Boot and WebSockets

    Recently, I asked Spring Boot developers on Reddit if anyone uses plain WebSockets in their applications without STOMP and/or SockJS. I was curious about the answers because in all the resources I found on the internet, people use STOMP and SockJS to implement WebSockets in Spring Boot apps, but those technologies are not so popular on the frontend side. I started wondering, do I really need them? And why is there no simple example of using WebSockets in Spring Boot without STOMP and SockJS? I guess the reason is that Spring Boot is mostly used in enterprise applications where STOMP and SockJS are more suitable or documentation is just outdated in this matter or configuration of WebSockets without these technologies is that easy that it doesn’t require any explanation. However, I decided to write this post to show you how to configure WebSockets in Spring Boot without it.

  • 🕹️ Raspberry Pi 5 - Streaming Gaming Console

    If you are as excited as I’m when you think about streaming games from your PC to your TV and getting a console-like experience at 4K HDR and 60FPS, then… you better get an Apple TV 4K or Nvidia Shield, and save your time. 😉

  • ✍️ Twitter vs Blog: Grumpy opinion

    What if we all switch to blogs instead of posting on Twitter? Did you notice how Twitter became a mediocre joke, or this is only my impression? You can easily categorize Twitter profiles, did you notice that? At which point people will say, ‘okay, this is not for me’. What alternatives do we have? Why people are following Tim Cook on Twitter?

  • 🔎 How I integrated Algolia search with NextJS and markdown files?

    Since 2019 I’m building a SaaS for translation management as a solo developer. Since the very beginning, I needed a place where I could post code samples, and explain to people how to integrate different frameworks or how to use SimpleLocalize CLI to upload and download translation files. That’s why I built my project documentation. Once the app and docs started to grow, it turned out that I need a search option. After some research, I decided to implement Algolia. See Algolia search in action on SimpleLocalize documentation.

  • 💬 How I switched Gatsby and CRA to NextJS

    When I started working on SimpleLocalize I started with a very simple PoC app built with create-react-app. Later when the project grew I used GatsbyJS to build landing page. Then I converted documentation written in GitBook to GatsbyJS documentation page with a markdown. Why I’m doing this?

  • 🚛 MySQL optimization tips

    This is my list of the most commonly used and shared ideas on improving MySQL performance. I will update this periodically because listing all tips at once would take too much time. 😄 I tried to keep the points simple and short.

  • 🌱 Sending e-mails based on user activity

    Okay, it’s time to introduce user activity mailing! I was always sceptical about sending SPAM to trial users. Recently, I tried a few services which I really wanted to use. I simply didn’t have time to do that. I hit a register button and forget. After a few days I started getting a massive number of emails.

  • ☀️ Blog: Jekyll vs GatsbyJS

    Do you know that feeling when you are adjusting blog CSS instead of writing posts? I spent countless hours on optimizing landing pages for my projects, and my personal blog using GatsbyJS. Eventually, I’ve never published my blog on GatsbyJS. I used Jekyll, and here are my thoughts.

  • ☁️ Setup custom CodeBuild environment with Amazon ECR

    Since faster Java development by Oracle, every tool we use these days need to follow up for every Java release or just support only LTS versions like Amazon.

  • 📨 Contact form on a static page with Amazon Lambda Function

    If you are here, then I assume that you probably don’t know PHP nor Wordpress, and so you decided to build a static web page or use some static page generator like Jekyll, Grav or GatsbyJS. Right now your obvious option to provide ability to create a contact from is using a or something similar. I’m going to show you how to write your own contact form ‘backend’ in very short time.

  • 🔐 Authenticated websocket connection with Spring Boot and ReactJS

    Websockets are an easy way to update data on clients side without making request to server where there is no new data. It gives “wow effect” for clients and lower server costs for you.

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